Rajhacksoft is a great source to provide blogging tips, SEO, and earn money online so beginners can make their own blog niche. Rajhacksoft has been in the field for more than 10 years now. 
He started his career as an IT professional where he used to help people with programming issues on their computers. When he saw that many were struggling with setting up WordPress blogs or getting traffic from search engines, he decided to share his knowledge by starting this website. Rajhacksoft is an award-winning blogger with more than 200k page views on his website in just one year.👍

Writing about how to start a blog from scratch and the basics of blogging every month for beginner bloggers who are looking for some guidance. Rajhacksoft also provides information on how to get traffic, improve SEO rankings, monetize your blog through affiliate marketing or sponsored posts, create backlinks using social media shares or guest blogging, use Pinterest to drive traffic, and increase followers on Instagram.
